Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Macbeth by Shakespeare
Macbeth by Shakespeare Macbeth , written by Shakespeare, is a tragic play written around 1050 A.D. In this catastrophic play, the symbol of blood is mentioned differently several times. Shakespeare uses intricate imagery with the association of the word, blood. This specific word is significant because he uses the word creatively to develop the character of Macbeth and the unfortunate events that occur in the play. The word, blood, is mentioned about forty-two times and ironically the word, fear, also appears forty-two times in the play. As Macbeths character fluctuates throughout the play, the powerful emblematic meaning of the word, blood, changes from the beginning to the end as well. Once Macbeth and Lady Macbeth start their murderous journey, blood soon emerges into a symbol of their guiltiness. They both begin to feel that their appalling crimes have forever stained their lives. The first mention of blood seems to establish the significance of honor. Next, the second allusion of blood shows a terribl e example of betrayal. Lastly, the third reference of blood appears to establish the sense of guiltiness. Therefore, all of these different kinds of images of blood help develop the atmosphere and scene and as well contribute to the over all drama of the play. To begin with, the first allusion of blood in Macbeth is based upon honor. Near the beginning of the scene two in act one, a bleeding sergeant appears on the stage. It is known that Macbeth and the Scottish army defeated Macdonwalds army. The sergeant continues with his description of the battle and how Macbeth and Macbeths friend, Banquo fought bravely, â€Å"For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name- / Disdaining fortune, with his brandishd steel / Which smokd with bloody execution, / Like valors minion carvd out his passage†(1.2.19-21). In this specific passage of the play, the allusion of blood is a symbol of bravery and courage. Heroic blood shed for a noble deed is known to be the good kind of blood. On the other hand, Macbeths character changes drastically throughout the unfortunate events in the play by the allegory of the blood he sheds. Before Duncans murder, Macbeth had a horrific vision of a dagger floating in the air in front of him, Macbeth describes intrica tely, â€Å"†¦and on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, / Which was not so before. Theres no such thing: / It is the bloody business which informs / Thus to mine eyes†(2.1.46-49). The blood imagery in this passage obviously refers to betrayal and murder. This is a dire contrast to what blood symbolized in the beginning of the play. Blood was once seen as a positive merit, but is now associated with the darkness of evil. This imagery also shows the beginning of Macbeths character transformation of nobility and bravery into treachery and evilness. After Macbeth murders Duncan, he begins to realize the severity of his crime as he tries to wash Duncans blood off his hands, Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No; this hand will rather / The multitudinous seas incarnadine, / Making the green one red. (Act II, Scene 2, Lines 71-75) This passage illustrates the act of murder has changed Macbeths character. No longer does the blood connote an image of ambition; it now symbolizes guilt, remorse, and an entry into the gates of hell from which no one can return. Macbeth laments that not even all the water in the ocean will wash the blood off his hands, he is beginning to realize the magnitude of his crime, and that he has done something truly evil. This same blood symbolism continues when Macbeth, shortly after he sees the ghost of the murdered Banquo at his feast, goes into a state of shock and has to be escorted back to his chamber by Lady Macbeth. He tells Lady Macbeth before he goes to sleep, All cau ses shall give way: I am in blood / Steppd in so far that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go oer: (Act III, Scene 4, Lines 159-161) Like her husband, the once ambitious Lady Macbeth finally realizes the significance of associating herself in the murder plot, and the severe repercussions it will bring. Tormented by nightmares, she sleepwalks through her bedroom and cries, What, will these hands neer be clean?†¦Heres the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of / Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. (Act V, Scene 1, Lines 40, 46-47) The blood imagery exhibits Lady Macbeths guilt over Duncans murder. Her hallucinations of blood on her hands and her constant efforts to wash it off demonstrate that the agony of having guilty feelings is causing her to go insane. We later learn that this guilt strains her mind to the point that she commits suicide. We now find that Macbeth has entered so far into hell and the world of evil, it is impossible for him to return to righteousness. He will be forced to kill more and more people in order to retain control of the throne. The sins he has committed have not only perverted his virtuous life, but have condemned him to an eternity in hell. There is no chance of redemption; he has permanently allied himself with the forces of evil. In the plays final scene, Macduff confronts Macbeth to avenge the murders of his children and his wife at Macbeths hand, and to see Malcolm established as the rightful King. As Malcolm sees Macbeth, he exclaims, I have no words: / My voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain / Than terms can give thee out! (Act V, Scene 8, Lines 8-10) Shakespeare uses this blood imagery to enhance the audiences understanding of Macbeths character. The audience has now witnessed the complete transformation of Macbeth. He begins as a noble, just and brave person, to becoming evil , ambitious, and treacherous during Duncans murder, to his final feelings of remorse for his crime and finally, to the realization that he will be punished for his sins.
Monday, January 20, 2020
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Artistic Development :: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man  Artistic Development A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man had various themes which covered many areas. The primary theme of the novel is the artistic development of the artist, Stephen, and this relates specifically to the artist’s development in the life of a national language. Stephen experiences many voices of Ireland as well as those of the writers of his education. Out of all these voices emerges Stephen’s aesthetic theory and his desire to find his own manner of expression. Stephen develops his own voice as a way of escaping these constraints. One of the main constraints on the artist as Joyce depicts his life is the Roman Catholic Church. However, it is both a constraint and an enabling condition for the artist’s development. First, the Jesuit education Stephen receives, gives him a thorough grounding in the classical and medieval thinkers. It also structures Stephen’s life in such a way that it provides him with a basis for his own development as a moral and intellectual person. In relation to his eventual development of a theory of art or an aesthetic theory, Stephen fully draws on this tradition. He uses two central doctrines of the church in this theory. First, he revises the doctrine into a way of imagining the relationship between art and the world it describes. When Stephen develops his theory, he thinks of himself as taking on the role of a "priest of eternal imagination, transmuting the daily bread of experience into the radiant body of everliving life." The second use of Catholic doctrine or tradit ion relates to its creation of a priesthood, a class of men separate from the world who act as intermediaries between the deity and the people. In Stephen’s idea of the artist, he is priestlike, performing the miracle of turning life into art. Joyce is in good company when he uses techniques to drive a wedge in the totalizing authority of the church and in other forms of seriousness, even the artist’s own. When Stephen is discoursing learnedly on his aesthetic theory, his friend Lynch critisizes him. He brings lust into the picture of how and why art is created. He laughs at Stephen’s deadly serious use of the scholastics to develop a theory of art. Earlier in the novel, when Mrs. Dante Riordan is condemning Parnell and supporting his excommunication from the Catholic church, Mr.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Independence of Student in University Life
Independence of Student in University Life â€Å"Away from home†, a rather simple and common phrase that is no stranger to most of the university students whom are studying overseas. Since young, as a child, we were living under the shades of our parents, handled with care in their hands. For them, we are as precious as diamonds, being protected under their wings and not knowing how the world look like because everything had been done for us by the love of our parents. Even when problem strikes, parents will definitely be the first to stand up for us and solve these difficulties without having us as children worry about it.Most of us are growing up in this protected environment; we are almost immune from the threats of the world. Bad news is, one day, you will have to leave that comfort zone and explore what the world has for you. That day will come when students are at the age of extending their studies in the overseas. No matter which university they are going, they would no t be able to bring their parents along. They will have to learn to be independent and know how to take care of themselves. It is a journey of life which most of us have to go through.Some may say that university life is a sign of torture because you are leaving your love ones behind, but mostly it is a process of life that helps gain our confidence towards society and letting us be independent and responsible. Many find it hard to achieve independence because most are raised in a perfect environment, which our parents have kindly built for us. Being independent is where you must have self-confident and such belief in yourself that you can achieve anything you have intent to get.Some people are emotionally dependent to their parents. Well, it is not a fault to depend on your parents because they will never steer you wrong and they love you very much. However, sooner or later, you will realize that they will not be there forever whenever you need them because â€Å"flower withers and human perishes†, one must not become overly attached or dependent on their parents but instead exercise self-contained and self-sufficient. Being independent does not mean that you have to abandon your friends and family and draw a line in between.You will still need someone to talk to during tough times and solve issues that you could not settle on your own. Parents and friends are the pillars that support you, even if they could not help you, they will certainly lend you listening ears, to hear you out whenever you need someone. This is normal as we are only human. As students walk into the world, they will face new things that they had never exposed to. Since they are the â€Å"newbies†of the world, it will be difficult for them to differentiate what is right and what is wrong, they will tend to try anything that seems new to them out of curiosity.Therefore, these overseas students must be strong in their stands and not easily swayed by negative activities such as smoking, drugs, vandalism and so on. The activities that they are participating now will definitely be an influence to their future. A wrong step might lead to a narrow or dim future. At this point, it will be the time to reap what our parents have sown into us – to see how much we have absorbed from their teaching and hopefully the roots of it grows deep in us to avoid temptations of life.In order to allow readers to visualize the big picture more clearly, I had personally interviewed 2 students whom are around school leaving age. A hospitality student, Clement Chai, whom is currently 19 years old stated that, â€Å"Well, before coming over to Singapore, my parents already taught me day by day on how to be independent. Basically living with them is already preparing me to live independently†. Another student that I had interviewed was a Korean student, Yee Won Chan. The 18-year-old enthusiastically mentioned that, â€Å"In such a modern country like Korea, I helped m yself to be very independent by learning and memorizing directions.This has helped me a lot whenever I went overseas. I would never miss my school bus as I would always use the right road to get to the bus station and memorizing would always get me back home before the last train. I wouldn't stress myself too much as I know it would only trouble me and so I took things simple and have a simple life at home†. Based on the above interviews, we can determine that learning to be independent is where the parents must learn to let go of their children and letting them make their own decisions as how Clement Chai has stated previously.This in a way will show the kids that different decisions will lead to different consequences and they will have to learn from it. This is all part of the learning process of being independent. A child has to learn that mum and dad are not going to be always there for you. Hence, at one point, they will have to rely on their own abilities to achieve the ir own goals and for that to happen, parents need to allow kids to experience the real world that they aren't always there to fix the problem.Nevertheless, some people might still live with their parents after finishing university, but university is a step forward which will allow them to learn how to be â€Å"on their own†so to say. For example, managing finances, taking care of the car, making sure to have sufficient food and so on. In a nutshell, university is indeed a platform and also a battleground to train students to become more independent. There may be tough times where these students might not be able to have things done on their own. A true testimony will be from me personally, I lived in Kota Kinabalu but for a better study environment, I have to come to Kuala Lumpur.What strikes me the most is the fear of leaving home. My parents used to do everything for me and I did not know how it is like to be out there in the world. But now when I face problem, there is no body there anymore to help me out. In this situation, I have learned to be independent, doing my own chores, solving problems, save money, and also cook my own meal. It is not easy doing all these but one thing for sure, this has turn me into a strong girl who is able to face the society with strength and confident.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Theories Of Personality And Leadership Assessments Essay
Introduction There are multiple theories of personality and leadership assessments that have proven effective in helping individuals achieve their full career potential. The â€Å"Big Five†theory of personality, for example, measures the five broad areas of personality, including extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience (Srivastava, 2015). Other types of assessments, such as the more simple leadership assessment we explored, simply measure leadership qualities, such as emotional intelligence and confidence. In exploring a couple of such resources in more depth, such as the leadership assessment provided by the University of Kent’s Career Enhancement Center, as well as the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, it is clear that understanding more about oneself can lead to enhanced career choices. Based on the work of Carl Jung, Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs developed the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, a self-inventory geared toward helping individuals determine their personality types and individual areas of strength. â€Å"By helping people understand themselves, Myers and Briggs believed that they could help people select occupations that were best suited to their personality types and lead healthier, happier lives†(Cherry, 2015). This test, through helping me explore my own personality, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and various preferences and compatibilities, has been instrumental in affirming myShow MoreRelatedLeadership Style and Personality Assessment1290 Words  | 6 PagesUnit 1 Assignment Leadership Style and Personality Assessment Anioushka G-Saint Cyril HA510 Professor Yu-Wei Yang August 4, 2015 There are many leadership styles and is important to know which style you are. 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