Monday, May 25, 2020
The Key Components Of Anxiety Disorders And The Methods Of...
This research paper will explore eight articles that report on results from research conducted online on the key components of anxiety disorders and the methods congetitve behavioral theory. The articles will explore the treatments and outcomes of CBT on patients, who were diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. The research papers examines _________ research in relation to the other articles to suggest that CBT is productive form of treatments of anxierty disorders. The history of Congetive Behavioral Therapy can be traced to the 1960’s when the psychodynamic perspective was questioned. The Behavior therapy gained a prominence. However, back in the 60’s, these therapies were controversial and relegated to the treatment of behavior dysfunction in severely disordered children .(Puleo,Settipani,Brodman,Emunds,Communigs, Kendall, 2011). Yet, in the 1970’s, cognitive behavioral therapy reached higher functioning individuals, integrated the role of cognitive processing, and incorporated a focus on emotion. The transition did not happen over night, but in the end, social cognitive processing, the psychology of self-control, and emotion regulation were melded into behavioral intervention and, eventually, emerging as multifaceted, widely applicable, extensively practiced, and well reached CBT of the present day.( Puleo,Settipani,Brodman,Emunds,Communigs, Kendall, 2011). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a method of assisting individuals to indetify andShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1085 Words  | 5 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorders Introduction to the paper Anxiety is a component found within many other mental disorders. The most common is depression. There are a number of anxiety disorders in the DSM, we will be looking at generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Generalized anxiety disorder causes one to worry and have anxiety about an event or activity that will most likely intensify and have a high impact on that particular activity or event. An individual diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorderRead MoreThe Key Components Of Anxiety Disorders And Cognitive Behavioral Theory ( Cbt ) Essay1630 Words  | 7 Pagesresearch conducted online on the key components of anxiety disorders and cognitive behavioral theory (CBT). The articles will explore the treatments and outcomes of CBT on patients, who were diagnosed with anxiety disorders. The research paper will examine the theory, model, and effectiveness of exploration in relation to the other articles to suggest that CBT is a productive form of treatments for anxiety disorders. Keywords: Beck, CBT, Problem Solving Model, and Anxiety. To experienceRead MoreCognitive Behavior Therapy And Mental Disorders1563 Words  | 7 PagesCognitive Behavior Therapy Cognitive behavior therapy is a great way to help people with depression. According to Wright, â€Å"Cognitive behavior therapy is a pragmatic, action-oriented treatment approach that has become a widely used psychotherapy for major mental disorders. Cognitive behavior therapy methods were initially developed for depression and anxiety disorders, and later they were modified for many other conditions, including personality disorders, eating disorders, and substance abuse; theyRead More As Good As It Gets?: An Examination Of The Mechanism And Mode Of Treatment Of Obsessive-Compulsive1283 Words  | 6 PagesAs Good As It Gets?: An Examination Of The Mechanism And Mode Of Treatment Of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder, often referred to as simply OCD, is a mental illness in which an individual experiences endless cycles of repeated thoughts and rituals, known as obsessions and compulsions, which she feels she cannot control (1). Although many people possess habits and routines that help them organize their every day schedules, people with OCD form patterns of behaviorRead More Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 962 Words  | 4 Pages Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric sequel to a stressful event or situation of an exceptionally threatening or catastrophic nature. It develops after a person is involved in a horrifying ordeal that involved physical maltreatment or the threat of physical harm. These events can include combat or military experience, abuse during childhood or adulthood (physical or sexual), terrorist attacks, serious accidents or natural disasters. This person may have been the one thatRead MoreChildhood Abuse Or Neglect And Gene tically Such As Relative With Mental Health Problems1727 Words  | 7 Pagesuse of psychotropic medication, type of trauma, time since the trauma and following traumatic event†(Karatzias et. al, 2013, p. 503). Not all trauma survivors will develop permanent PTSD disorders and some may be later on will be affected. The risk factors: environmental, demographic, prior psychiatric disorder, personality dimensions, dissociation, biological and cognitive risk factors. â€Å"In the end, the impact of an environmental event, such as a psychological trauma, cellular and molecular levelsRead MoreThe First Wave Of Psychological Therapy1386 Words  | 6 Pagespsychological therapy focused on the clinical application of behavior principles. The second wave introduced cognition into therapy and linked the idea of irrational thoughts to behavioral issues (Hayes, Follette, Linehan, 2004). The third wave is the most current theory which focuses on traditional cognitive-behavioral conc epts with the addition of mindfulness techniques and the acceptance of thoughts (Hayes, Masuda, Bissett, Luoma, Guererro, 2004). This third wave of cognitive-behavioral therapies includesRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy For Substance Abuse1574 Words  | 7 PagesServices Administration [SAMHSA], 2013). Cognitive-behavioral therapies are among the most thoroughly studied psychotherapeutic approaches for individuals with substance abuse disorders that date back to the work of Ivan Pavlov on classic conditioning. There have been multiple studies that show cognitive-behavioral model of addiction can be effective as a stand-alone treatment or combined other treatment strategies. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for substance abuse incorporates a variety of individualRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay example1507 Words  | 7 PagesCognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is among the most extensively tested psychotherapies for depression. Many studies have confirmed the effi cacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a treatment for depression. This paper will provide background information about the intervention, address the target population, and describe program structure and key components. It will also provide examples of program implementation, challenges/barriers to implementing the practice, address how the practice supportsRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1697 Words  | 7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one therapeutic approach that is capable of providing this group with effective psychotherapeutic treatment and interventions as well as approaches that enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of group therapy. Often developed for skills training, cognitive-behavioral groups are characterized by the use of practical interventions focused on behavior modification techniques (Wilson, Bouffard, and Mackenzie; 2005). The therapeutic goal of cognitive behavioral therapy
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Diceratops Facts and Figures
You can learn a lot about Greek numbers by studying ceratopsian (horned face) dinosaurs and their distant and not-so-distant relatives. Theres no such animal (yet) as Monoceratops, but Diceratops, Triceratops, Tetraceratops, and Pentaceratops make for a nice progression (alluding to two, three, four and five horns, as indicated by the Greek roots di, tri, tetra and penta). An important note, though: Tetraceratops wasnt a ceratopsian or even a dinosaur, but a therapsid (mammal-like reptile) of the early Permian period. The dinosaur we call Diceratops also rests on shaky ground, but for another reason. This late Cretaceous ceratopsian was diagnosed at the turn of the 20th century by the famous paleontologist Othniel C. Marsh, on the basis on a single, two-horned skull lacking the characteristic nasal horn of Triceratops--and given the name Diceratops, by another scientist, a few years after Marshs death. Some paleontologists believe this skull actually belonged to a deformed Triceratops, and others say Diceratops should properly be assigned to the synonymous genus Nedoceratops (insufficient horned face.) If, in fact, Diceratops winds up reverting to Nedoceratops, then the possibility exists that Nedoceratops was directly ancestral to Triceratops (this last, most famous ceratopsian only awaiting the evolutionary development of a third prominent horn, which should only have taken a few million years). If thats not confusing enough, another option has been touted by the famously iconoclastic paleontologist Jack Horner: perhaps Diceratops, aka Nedoceratops, was actually a juvenile Triceratops, in the same way Torosaurus may have been an unusually elderly Triceratops with a grotesquely overwrought skull. The truth, as always, awaits further fossil discoveries. Diceratops Facts Name: Diceratops (Greek for two-horned face); pronounced die-SEH-rah-tops; also known as NedoceratopsHabitat: Woodlands of North AmericaHistorical Period: Late Cretaceous (70 million years ago)Size and Weight: About 15 feet long and 2-3 tonsDiet: PlantsDistinguishing Characteristics: Two horns; odd holes on sides of the skull
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Of Mice and Men Commentary - 958 Words
Of Mice and Men is a novel written by the 1962 Nobel Prize winner, John Steinbeck. It is an emotional tale of the extraordinary friendship between George and Lennie, who are traveling workers in the harsh depression years of the 1930s. George is a caring person whose love to Lennie is just like a father-son relationship, where Lennie, a mentally challenged man whose strength lies in body rather than brain, appears to be very dependent on George. Of Mice and Men teaches a universal theme about the nature of human beings that a person whose power exists over another turns corrupt. Steinbeck exploits the theme of power and control in his novel through the extensive use of sexism, racial discrimination, and the power of the strong over the†¦show more content†¦The stronger, in this case man (Carlson), mercilessly shoots Candys dog, who knew nothing of his grief fate. Candy then sees his reflection upon the killing of his dog, that he will soon get too old and therefore useless, which will then have him left alone. This pushes him into desperately asking George to permit him to join with him and Lennie for the pursuit of their own dream ranch, Thas three hundred an fifty bucks Id put in, I aint much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some. On the contrary, Curley is a man who takes advantage of his authority and power to oppress and mock others to make himself seem stronger and even more powerful. He uses his power and gender to boss around with workers of his ranch and his wife, respectively. However, when he chose to do so towards Lennie, Lennie reacts angrily and smashes his hand. Through the intense use of sexism, racial discrimination, and the power of the strong over the weak, Steinbeck successfully exploits the theme of power and control. Whether it is mentally, physically, or money wise, power seems to be moving from one person to another depending on the situation. Perhaps it really is the roots of evil; that occurs as a result of someone realizing his power over others, and then uses it for his own personal desires, while taking advantage of others. In otherShow MoreRelatedSocial Commentary on Sexism in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbek1003 Words  | 5 PagesAdministration states that during the Great Depression era, â€Å"...the federal government did prohibit a married couple from both holding government jobs, and as late as 1939, legislatures in 26 states considered laws limiting married womens work. Both men and women believed that married women should give up their jobs if their husbands wanted them to. In the Depression decade, those wives who worked outside the home were viewed as selfish, greedy women who took jobs away from male breadwinners.†(Grice)Read MoreMice and Men Annotated Bibliography855 Words  | 4 PagesSierra Villanueva Mrs. Josà © English II PAP 4th 8 November 2011 Of Mice And Men : An Annotated Bibliography Book Review: Of Mice amp; Men. A Novel Menagerie. Novel Menagerie, 2009. Web. 7 Nov 2011. lt;;. The author of this review focuses on the life of Lennie. She sympathizes with the hard times Lennie had to go through as a character. The author describes Lennie to the readers as an innocent, childlike character whoRead More Cloning - It’s Time for Organ Farms Essay1441 Words  | 6 Pagesexistence of unknown viruses in pigs DNA. Daniel Salmon at the Scripps Research Institute found that human cells could be infected with viruses called porcine endogenous retroviruses, which exist dormantly (inactively) in all pigs. Salmon found that mice transplanted with pig Islet of Langerhans cells became infected with the virus, although it only replicated a few times before it became dormant in them as well.5 Another concern is the possibility of pig viruses merging with human ones to createRead MoreMale Birthpill615 Words  | 3 Pagesmoves a step closer16th August 2012Researchers have finally found a compound that may offer the first effective and hormone-free birt h control pill for men.The study, published today in the journal Cell, describes how the small molecule makes male mice reversibly infertile, without putting a damper on their sex drive. When the animals stop taking this new form of birth control, their sperm rebound and they are able to produce perfectly healthy offspring once again.This compound produces a rapidRead MoreSummary Of Of Mice And Men Essay2240 Words  | 9 PagesQueenie Lau Mrs. Moskovitz English IH- Period 5 20 May 2016 Of Mice and Men Ap Book Report 1. Title of Work: Of Mice and Men 2. Author and Date Written: The book â€Å"Of Mice and Men†was written in 1937 by John Steinbeck, which was during the Great Depression in the 1930s. The Great Depression caused many to lose their jobs and their homes in a short period of time. Few were rich during this time and those who had no money starved. Approximately 25% of people during the Great Depression had no jobsRead MoreThe Colors Of Racism By John Steinbeck And Of Mice And Men 1330 Words  | 6 Pages The Colors of Racism in Of Mice and Men The struggle of racism in America is one which has been regularized in American society. The devaluation and undermining of colored individuals has become commonplace, due to social injustice. In particular, racial discrimination prevails among African American societies due to the color of their skin, and the stereotypical notions of racial superiority that the white race illuminates. For over three-hundred years, the African American communities haveRead MoreCommentary on the Bat by Roethke816 Words  | 4 PagesAliona Fezoua My Expert Commentary ‘The Bat’ – Theodore Roethke: By day the bat is cousin to the mouse. He likes the attic of an aging house. His fingers make a hat about his head. His pulse beat is so slow we think him dead. He loops in crazy figures half the night Among the trees that face the corner light. But when he brushes up against a screen, We are afraid of what our eyes have seen: For something is amiss or out of place When mice with wings can wear a human face. Read More Voltaires Candide as an Attack on Optimism Essays1265 Words  | 6 PagesWhen, at the end of Candide, Pangloss asks the dervish as to why man exists, the dervish responds What does it matter whether theres good or evil? When his highness sends a ship to Egypt, does he worry whether the mice on board are comfortable or not? To Voltaire, men were the mice, and his highness was not concerned in the least with their day to day existence.  How are Voltaires views manifest in Candide  Pangloss is meant not to attack Leibnitz, but rather optimism asRead MoreOf Mice and Men Essay-a Comparison Between Lennie and Candy1408 Words  | 6 PagesThe novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men†is filled with characters that portray weakness. They are Steinbeck’s commentary on the general attitude towards the â€Å"weak†, and on the stereotype of â€Å"weak†, and perhaps even on the belief of â€Å"survival of the fittest†-social darwinism. Candy’s dog and Lennie are two characters that do so perhaps the most significantly, although in the case of Candy’s dog it is slightly less obvious as he’s not given much of a personality. Upon digging deeper into these two characters,Read MoreThe Philosophy Of Environmentalism In Ecotopia, By Ernest Callenbach1252 Words  | 6 Pagesissues. Ecotopia draws upon this time-frame in an almost self-aware manner, giving it the ability to translate into the 21st century quite appropriately. This awareness allows it to establish the tone of not only an inspirational novel, but a social commentary as well. The story begins with Times-Post journalist William Weston receiving an assignment to infiltrate Ecotopia, an independent country composed of Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. Seceding from the United States in 1980, the country
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis of Model Selection and Model Testing
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Model Selection and Model Testing. Answer: Introduction: In the present case Mingalabar Inc is considering setting up a manufacturing unit in Myanmar. Capital budgeting is employed to analyze the risk and returns and thereby the financial feasibility of the project. In this respect of this project the biggest risk is that the company may not earn the returns as estimated and the project may fail (Bierman and Smidt, 2014). The risk of not earning the estimated returns may be due to the following factors: Inflation as estimated by the company in analyzing the project may increase in future resulting in reduction in the value of investments. The interest rates may rise in the future making the borrowings more costly and thus, reducing the profits earned by the company. There may be rise in the prices of the materials and labor over and above the anticipations of the company. Further, the company may not achieve the estimated demand or there be sudden hike in the competition resulting in market loss. The political conditions in Myanmar may also change in future resulting affecting the company adversely. The arbitrage pricing model (APM) provides the basis for computation of the theoretical return that is to be used in estimating the theoretical prices of the securities. The model postulates the mechanism to pave the way to determine the percentage return that an investor would expect by investing in a particular security or asset (Bhatti, Shanfari, and Hossain, 2006). In the determination of the expected return, the consideration of the risk attached with the investment is of paramount importance. However, different models provide different ways to incorporate the element of risk in determination of the expected return. As per the arbitrage pricing theory, the risk is not related to a single factor; rather it correlates with multiple factors. Those multiple factors may not necessarily be specific to the security being valued directly, but certainly affect the return on security in some or other way. Thus, apart from beta, consideration of the multiple factors such as gross domestic product, inflation, and interest rates was necessary, which was made possible by the APM (Rasiah and Kim, 2011). As discussed above, the arbitrage pricing model works on multifactor basis, therefore, the theoretical/expected return is computed by applying these multiple factors (Rasiah and Kim, 2011). The theoretical return in respect of a security under APM is determined by applying the equation given below: E(rj) = rf+bj1RP1+bj2RP2+bj3RP3+bj4RP4+..+bjnRPn Where, E(rj) = Theoretical/ expected return on security rf = Risk free rate bj = Sensitivity index RP = Risk premium of multiple factors Thus, it could be observed from the equation given above that the risk free rate is increased by the proportionate risk premium of multiple factors. Generally, the risk factors considered for computation of the return range from three to four involving GDP, inflation, and interest rates (Focardi and Fabozzi, 2004). The capital asset pricing model was in use before the arbitrage pricing model coming into use for computation of the theoretical return and security valuation. The capital asset pricing model was considered to be quite effective in incorporating the risk element in determination of the theoretical return (Wang and Xia, 2012). Though, this model was effective, but it was based on the single factor that is beta. Beta represents the sensitivity of the return on a particular security relative to the market as a whole. However, the risk of a security does not necessarily depend entirely on beta. There are other macroeconomic as well as security specific factors that affect the risk of the security. Therefore, the incorporation of the risk in computation of the theoretical return was considered by the Economists imperfect in the CAPM model. In order to overcome this imperfection in the CAPM model, the arbitrage pricing model was innovated with the consideration of the multiple factors in d etermination of the risk (Stowe, 2007). Apart from application of the multiple factors, the APM model is completely based on the premises set out in the CAPM model. Thus, the arbitrage pricing model is considered to be an extension of the CAPM model (Stowe, 2007). There are various advantages of the APM as claimed by the proponents of the APT theory. The biggest advantage of this model is that the investor is compensated for all the risks because of consideration of the multiple factors. Further, the proponents claim that the analysts are not required to make many more assumptions while applying APM because this model already takes into consideration a wide range of factors. The APM model provides a fair determination of the theoretical return, which results in fair valuation of the security. Thus, the probability that the decisions taken by the investors would be right is increased when APM is applied in decision making (Stowe, 2007). Though, the innovation of the arbitrage pricing model was appreciated by the world, but this model has certain disadvantages. The most crucial among them is the difficulty in applying this model in practical situations. Since, the model considers multiple factors, thus, the analytical exercise is also extended to a greater extent. The determination of the proportion of a particular risk factor in computing the return in APM may be subjective in certain situations (Stowe, 2007). Valuation of a Security Factors which affect the return of the security Sensitivity Index Risk premium (%) Sensitivity * Risk premium GNP 0.80 2.00% 1.60% Inflation 0.80 1.50% 1.20% Interest rate 1.30 2.00% 2.60% Market Index 1.20 5.00% 6.00% Industrial production 1.00 1.00% 1.00% 12.40% Add: Risk free rate 5.00% Return as per APM 17.40% Valuation of portfolio Input data Actual portfolio return 10% Expected return on portfolio 15% Risk free rate 4% Beta 1.15 Sensitivity to GDP 1.20 Proportion of Beta in total systematic risk of portfolio 0.60 Proportion of Sensitivity to GDP in total systematic risk of portfolio 0.40 Output data: Theoretical Return on Portfolio 1 Risk premium 5.00% 2 Beta*proportion in systematic risk 0.69 3 Sensitivity to GDP*proportion in systematic risk 0.48 4 Return (1*2*3) 1.66% 5 Risk free rate 4.00% 6 Theoretical Return on Portfolio (4+5) 5.66% References Bhatti, M.I., Shanfari, H.A., and Hossain, M.Z. 2006. Econometric Analysis of Model Selection and Model Testing. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Bierman, H. and Smidt, S. 2014. Advanced Capital Budgeting: Refinements in the Economic Analysis of Investment Projects. Routledge. Focardi, S.M. and Fabozzi, F.J. 2004. The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management. John Wiley Sons. Rasiah, D. and Kim, P. 2011. The effectiveness of arbitrage pricing model in modern financial theory. International journal of economics, 2(3), pp. 125-135. Stowe, J.D. 2007. Equity Asset Valuation. John Wiley Sons. Wang, S. and Xia, Y. 2012. Portfolio Selection and Asset Pricing. Springer Science Business Media.
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