Thursday, December 26, 2019
MCAT Accommodations
When youre interested in applying to medical school, but you happen to need accommodations of some kind, it may seem like you have no recourse when it comes to taking the MCAT. You couldnt be more incorrect. Like on other standardized tests – the SAT, the LSAT, the GRE – accommodations are available for the MCAT, too. The only thing youll be required to do if you believe youre someone who needs MCAT accommodations, is figure out the steps you need to take to secure that type of registration. Thats where this article comes in handy. See below for information regarding the types of MCAT accommodations available and the things you need to do to secure them for yourself. MCAT Registration FAQs Who Needs MCAT Accommodations? Testers who have a medical condition or disability that necessitates changes to the MCAT testing conditions (or think they have one) should go ahead and apply for an MCAT accommodation. The AAMC lists the following as representative of conditions or disabilities that may qualify you for a testing change. They note, however, that the list is not inclusive, so if you believe you need an MCAT change, you should apply even if your particular disability or condition is not listed below: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Anxiety disordersMajor depressionLearning disabilitiesPhysical impairmentsVisual impairmentsCrohns DiseaseDiabetesMobility impairments MCAT Accommodations Available Depending on the need of the individual requesting the accommodation, the AAMC will offer things to help make the MCAT more accessible. The following list is just a sampling of what they can do for you: Large printExtra testing timeA separate testing roomPermission to bring in specific items like an inhaler, water or hard candy into the testing room If you require a testing situation outside one of these accommodations the AAMC is willing to make, youll need to make that clear in your application so they can review your needs and make a determination. MCAT Accommodations Application Process In order to get the ball rolling on securing MCAT accommodations, youll need to complete the following steps. Register for an AAMC ID. Youll use this ID when you register for the MCAT, apply for accommodations, apply to medical school, apply for a residency and more. So, make sure your user ID and password is one that youll remember and wont mind seeing again and again. Register for the MCAT. Youll need to register for a regular MCAT testing seat at first, so you can take the test on the date and time you prefer in case your accommodations request is denied. With dozens of test dates and times to choose from, youll be sure to find one that suits you best. Review the Accommodation Request Time Frames and Types. There are different times you must submit your application based on what youre trying to get approved. Many require 60 days, so do your research! Read the Application Requirements for Your Type of Impairment. There are different procedures to go through based on whether you have a physical impairment thats permanent (diabetes, asthma), an injury (a broken leg) or a learning disability . Every application must include a personalized cover letter that describes your disability and functional impairments along medical documentation and an evaluation provided by the AAMC. Submit your Application. You must – MUST – submit your application for accommodations no later than 60 days before the Silver Zone registration deadline. Whats the Silver Zone Registration? Wait for a Decision! Youll receive a letter via the MCAT Accommodations Online that your request has either been approved or denied. If youve been approved, your next step will be to confirm your seat as an accommodated tester. If youre denied, just show up for your standard testing time. MCAT Accommodations Questions Got a question for the AAMC? You can either contact them via email or mail. E-mail: Mailing Address AAMCMCAT Office of Accommodated TestingAttn: Saresa Davis, Mailroom Supervisor2450 N Street, NWWashington, DC 20037
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Moral Responsibility of Leaders - 1310 Words
Reflection 1. This chapter suggests that leadership has a moral dimension and that leaders have a responsibility to use their authority for the common good. Do you agree? Discuss I agree with what the chapter suggests. In my opinion, leadership does have a moral dimension and as a leader, comes a responsibility that he or she uses their authority to advance the common good. I believe, that as a leader, there is an obligation to uphold our moral values and not use their authority for aggression, power, or getting ahead. Leaders should always use their resources to advance and promote those that need assistance or a greater cause. For example, a leader promoting needs to reduce poverty. In addition, leaders not only need to be effective but also must accept the moral dimension of leadership and as a leader; he or she becomes a role model for the community, employees, and all of the stakeholders. Consequently, leader’s actions influence those around them and therefore as a leader, w e should use our available resources to help improve the lives of others. 2. When you consider the character of a leader and what a leader does (the leader’s actions), which of these two factors is more important with regard to ethical leadership? Can a person with bad character be an ethical leader? Discuss your answers. Although it is often quoted that actions speak louder than words, I believe that the character of a leader may be slightly more important than the actions of a leader.Show MoreRelatedThe Leader s Ethical Values Influence Leadership Style Essay1658 Words  | 7 Pagesamaze you if you discovered that ethics and leadership style are correlated? The leaders come from various industries for instance, public, private, government, and non-profit/for-profit. The leader’s ethical values influence leadership style. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Implications Of Remix Culture On Post Modernism Art Essay Example For Students
Implications Of Remix Culture On Post Modernism Art Essay The individuality of our society fluxes continually with clip change- as was noted by Greek-free-thinker, Heraclitus- when he expressed the impossibleness of one to leap into a peculiar river more than one time. This point of position about the dynamic nature of society continued for long when philosophers became instead convinced that the onward thrust of society hinged on changeless Torahs. Recently, the evolutionally nature of society is considered to be progressive and that it relents more or less on medley, lampoon, or self-aware appropriations through humanistic disciplines, doctrine and other humankind-related-creativity that are projecting civil, modern, and modernised society into the post-modern epoch, arguably. This paper will discourse Post-Modernism and how remix civilization has affected or influenced it. Opportunities offered by discussed remix schemes to cultural and political reviews of post-modernism will besides be considered. However, to appreciate the influence of remix-culture on post-modernism, it is appropriate to discussion the evolutionally way of post-modernism. Hence, the paper will turn to the subject utilizing the attack. Outline1 Development of Post-modernism2 Post-Modernism3 Art4 Doctrine5 Deductions of Remix Culture on Post-Modernism6 Decision Development of Post-modernism By the terminal of the 1970s, the inquiry began to be considered among Gallic minds about the zoom of society, and whether it was driven at all. There was the denier of the point that worlds were still in the modern period which had been introduced by Enlightenment, two centuries back ( Lash, Samuel and Friedman James. 1992 ) . To this school of idea, modernisation introduced a period of scientific thought and capitalistic industrialisation every bit good as the likeliness of atomic conflicts, bondage and neo-colonialism, horror, racism, Euro-centralization, and huge hungriness in 3rd universe states. The bequests of Enlightenment were non peculiarly friendly, so, the minds concluded ( Anderson, Paul. 1998 ) . It was better to see the theories by which modernism stood as been harmful and awful. Surely, world had moved wholly in front of modernism into a post-modern age. Post-Modernism Post-modernism has been defined as a leaning in contemporary civilization typified by slight of purposeful truth and world-wide traditional meta-narrative or answerability ( Jameson, Fredrick. 1991 ) . However, this definition can non be relied on wholly because it falls to place wholly with the broad point of views of post-modernism which include response to the implicitly scientific nature, objectiveness, and effort to clarify world. The definition has besides non complied with the fact that: Postmodernism is used in critical theory to mention to a point of going for plants of literature, play, architecture, film, news media, and design, every bit good as in selling and concern and in the reading of jurisprudence, civilization, and faith in the late twentieth and early 21st centuries ( Georg, Iggers. 1997 ) . There is a complexness in happening a really dependable definition that satisfies wholly the subject of station modernism, hence, due to its much diversified nature as the bulk of definitions on the subject are awfully obscure and habitually incoherent to others. There is a farther complexness in deep distinction between modernism and station modernism since the both could be linked with rational motions and aesthetics which are common in literary humanistic disciplines and doctrine. †¦modernity and post-modernity have tended to be used to mention to alterations in societal and economic establishments ( Giddens, Amber. 1990 ) . The context of cognition of post-modernism, and how it is affected by remix-cultures, will be limited in this paper to two distinguishable illustrations: Humanistic disciplines and doctrine. This is imperative to restrict the treatment to the inquiry every bit good as to avoid perplexity. Traditions are famous all over the world, in all sorts of countries EssayFilm is a popular industry where a lampoon may be created. Iconic movies that contain a lampoon of an original work include the Scary Movie series, which are parodies of many top box office horror movies and Spaceballs, which spoofs the George Lucas movie Star Wars. Similarly, the inclination for lampoon in music is overpowering. Already, there is an bing market for lampoon music and it is turning quickly. Doctrine During the latter portion of the sixtiess, the US and Western Europe were caught up in political quandary. Inclinations for important political transmutation in the twelvemonth 1968 were obvious in the Western universe consequent of motion such as the Chicano which kind for true release for bush leagues. In France, the battle was debatably instead terrible. This resulted to weakening of the big sway which had antecedently been exercised by the elephantine Communist Party ( where a bulk of bookmans owned sensible committedness ) . This disillusion resulted to their withdrawal from political personal businesss and attendant incredulity in political theories like Marxism. Even though they had many disagreements, they accepted the fact of a staccato and plural nature identifiable with world. They disagreed with human ideas on the possibility to make important nonsubjective accounts of world. Political orientations or societal theories that supported world activities as ways to show the o rder or advancement of society were considered to be conceited and without credibleness, post-modernist argued. All that was done in clip yesteryear is justly in the control of the informed against the non-informed. Deductions of Remix Culture on Post-Modernism The deduction of remix civilization on post-modernism is the doomed of values and personal individuality. In schools, originality is fast giving manner to pastiche. Students are loath to larn or interact with society in traditional formats, except through digital machines- which they are to a great extent reliant on. Obvious, there is a quandary here! Decision This paper takes a expression at the evolutionally nature of society considered to be progressive and which relents on medley, lampoon, or self-aware appropriations through humanistic disciplines, architecture, and other humankind-related-creativity which are projecting civil, modern, and modernised society into the station modern epoch. It has besides discussed Post-Modernism and how remix civilization has affected or influenced it.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Disproval Of Spontaneous Generation Essays - Origin Of Life
The Disproval Of Spontaneous Generation From the beginning of time it was believed that living things could come from nonliving things. This process was known as spontaneous generation. However, in the middle of the 17th century and then through the next 100 years, this idea was disproved by three important experiments. We now know that a nonliving object or group of objects can not turn into a living organism. Spontaneous generation is impossible in the atmosphere that we have today. In the early 1600s, people believed that living organisms could evolve from nonliving organisms. They proved this by saying that if a piece of meat was left out uncovered, that maggots would appear in a few days. These worms did not come from anything that they could see, so they assumed they came from the nonliving meat. In 1668, a man named Redi designed and completed an experiment that showed how this was not true. He took two pieces of raw meat, and left them out. He covered one so that nothing could get in, and left the other one open. The open one grew maggots, and the covered one did not, proving that the dead meat did not produce the worms as they had previously thought. In the 1700s a man named Spallanzani proved Redis idea to a further extent. He noticed microbial growth on boiled pond water after being exposed to the air. To prove that this growth came from something living in the air, and not from the nonliving water, he designed an experiment. He boiled pond water to kill all the microbial growths. He then poured that water into two separate test tubes. He sealed one so that no air could get in, and left one open to the air. The one that was left open slowly became more and more cloudy with microbial growths. The sealed tube stayed as clear as it had been when it was boiled. This experiment proved that the growths could not come from nonliving organisms, but had to have been transported there through the air. When Spallanzani presented his results to the public, he was criticized. Other scientists said that he made the air unfit for living growth, and that they needed the air to change from nonliving to living. Pasteur did the third experiment, in 1862. He took Spallanzanis experiment, and the critics statements, and combined the two. He boiled pond water to kill all the living organisms. He poured that water into two curved neck flasks. He then proceeded to break the neck off of one of the flasks at the base. The flask with the broken neck started to become cloudy in a few days, however, the other flask continued to stay clear. He proved that the microbial organisms could not come from something nonliving. The curve in the neck of the flask allowed air to flow in, however, it caught all the microorganisms in the neck. Spontaneous generation is the idea that a living organism can come from something nonliving. This idea was entirely believed until the mid 1800s. Three important experiments helped to disprove this idea. Due to the work of three men, we now have the knowledge that living things can only come from other living things in our environment. Science Essays
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